Recurring Payment Recurring Payment First Name * Last Name Email Address * Agreement Amount £ Monthly Payment Amount Payment Frequency * Monthly Annually Select Annually to get 1 month free Monthly £ Monthly recurring payment Annual charge £ The total amount to be collected over 12 months! Annually £ Annual recurring payment (1 month discount included!) Payment Method * Debit or Credit Card PayPal I'll set up a debit order myself Cheque (Annual Payment Only) Card Details * Enter the Card No, Expiry Month / Year, last 3 digits (CVC) on the back of your card and postal code if prompted. This payment method adheres to the new European regulation introduced on 14 September 2019 which mandates Strong Customer Authentication (SCA) for online card payments. ...More InfoEssentially SCA may prompt you for additional authentication to complete a payment. Pay by cheque Please make your cheque payable to: Martin's HelpDesk and post your cheque to: Martin's HelpDesk 35 Blenheim Drive Filton Bristol BS34 7AX We'll send you our Banking Details by email along with the options you selected above Just click the Submit button below. I am sorry but you can only pay by cheque for Annual Payments. Please select Annually for the Payment Frequency. I consent to having Martin's HelpDesk collect my details via this form * * I consent to having Martin's HelpDesk collect my details via this form This form collects your name and email address. This information is required to help us identify who is intending to make a payment so that we can credit your account accordingly. We do not store credit or debit card details. These are passed onto our merchant, "Stripe", after the form is submitted. Please check our Privacy Policy to see how we protect and manage your submitted data. If you are human, leave this field blank. Δ